I probably don’t need to write an introduction about how Coronavirus has impacted everybody.

The Jamie Oliver group responded to the needs of its employees quickly, organising vinyl floor signs and laminated wall print-outs to guide employees around the office - when they were in - to stay safe and aware. I had the opportunity of an open brief, and on reflection of my own experience in lockdown - living in another country, away from my family, with no chance of seeing them until possibly the next year (in the end, it was over two years since I got to see my family again) - my immediate goal was to provide a sense of lightheartedness in what could otherwise be a stressful work environment.

Coronavirus wayfinding signs have so quickly become part of the background noise of our daily lives. They can be very straightforward and bureaucratic. If there’s one this the Jamie Oliver office is not, it’s bureaucratic! Working with our in-house editorial team, and inspired by the existing artwork around the office, I created a series of colourful, to-the-point yet cheeky posters to guide employees around the office.

Along the way, I initiated a project to create posters of a different nature, which informed employees on the nature of mental health during a pandemic. This campaign was the “Take Care of You” campaign, and the posters were printed in-house and displayed in the employee restrooms, which we felt provided a necessary privacy when someone is considering asking for help. The copy at the bottom of the posters has been replaced with placeholder copy to protect the office privacy, however the run of posters included information about mental health support available to employees within and out of the office.

Wall posters

Wall posters

Roundels for vinyl floor signs

Roundels for vinyl floor signs

Take Care of You internal campaign posters

Take Care of You internal campaign posters